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The 10 Best Journals to Enhance Your Creativity — PILGRIM SOUL
According to, creativity is defined as “the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.” Out-of-the-box thinkers, game changers and the unorthodox rely on creativity to set themselves apart from everyone else, especially when problem solving.
Creative thinking frees us from self-judgement; we return to a childlike state where ideas flow regardless of how abnormal they may initially seem. All of the world’s greatest inventions — laptops, aircrafts, cellphones, online shopping- would not have been possible without creative thinking: “These examples showcase that even as the natural progression of the human mind is to constantly seek possibilities, it often resists the possibility of change. Above all, we need to keep alive the idea of possibilities, considering experts have attempted to shoot it down long ago” ( CXO Life).
Ultimately, anyone can learn to be a creative thinker! Through the help of these 10 journals, the “average joe” can enhance their creativity to improve their lives and the lives of those around them!
The 10 Best Creative Thinking Journals:
Be Yourself (Everyone Else is Already Taken) by Studio Oh!